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With the economic development,the environmental pollution and eco-system breakage of countryside in China had increased prominently. So it seriously affected the realization of new socialist countryside featured with“the production development, the life ample, the local custom civilization, the village accommodates, the management democracy neatly”, and hampered the coordinative development of society and economy in urban and rural areas. Nevertheless, with the better understanding of the environmental issues, people began to contemplate their own actions and stepped forward carefully in the economic, social and environmental benefits. The author believed that the harmonious coexistence between human and nature was the only way to solve the environment problem, and the enforcement of Rural Environmental Protection Laws construction was the most important problem to solve.
     Up to now, although so many ecological environmental protection laws had already been constituted, there was still no scientific and perfect eco-environmental legal system. A lot of national policies, especially in the field of rural eco-environmental protection, also had focused on such problems, but it was still a blank in the legal system. This paper has used many research methods of environmental law such as Environmental Law Ecology Method, Environmental Law Economic Method, Environmental Law Sociology Method, Environmental Law Comparative and Analysis Method, interview, etc. Therefore, based on the research of the current environmental protection laws and regulations which regarded the " Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China " as their core,and integrated it with the international development trend of the environmental protection law, and also based on the current status of China's rural environmental problems, the paper analyzed the reasons for the legal system, such as the unscientific population system, the rapid increase of rural population and the low population quality; the unreasonable economic system, the irrational development concept embodied in the phenomena of unilaterally purchasing the economic benefit at the cost of ignoring the ecological environmental protection; the imperfect rural ecological environmental protection legal system, the incomplete statute system, the lax ecological environmental law enforcement and the lack of powerful legal supervision; the drawback of environmental education system, the deficiency of farmers’public environmental protection awareness and so on. All these reasons led to the deterioration of the ecological environment in rural areas. So the necessity and feasibility of construction of the rural ecological environmental protection system were proposed in this dissertation. Besides, the ecological environmental protection system in our country’rural areas was conceived and designed at the level of the government and the public. The main purpose of the dissertation was to strive to offer an idea for the protection of the ecological environment which was suitable for the current situation in rural areas in China and it is also expected to benefit the establishment of an environment-friendly new socialist rural area.
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