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Biodiversity conservation has received great concern in recent years and become one of the hot issues worldwide. It is recognized that Biological diversity plays a critical role in underpinning ecosystem services, and it has a close relationship with the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and their contributions to human well-being. China has abundant resource of biodiversity due to its complicated natural conditions, and plays a very important role in building and balancing global ecological environment. However, China's biodiversity has suffered heavy losses resulting from the growth of human population and economy, environmental pollution as well as ecological destructions. Confronting these tough issues, Chinese government has been taking a series of measures such as policy making, programming, establishing laws and regulations, education and rescuing endangered species with the aim to protect and recover biodiversity. However, all these efforts are not enough confronting the status, there are still problems to be solved and cleared. For the aim of helping China to carry out the Convention of Biodiversity, based on the purpose of seeking scientific biodiversity conservation ideas, methods and approaches, this paper unfold the research on legal issues of biodiversity conservation with the research methods of theory study and analysis, interdisciplinary work and comparative analyses.
     This paper contains the following aspects: fist, definite the goal of biodiversity conservation and the legal protecting goal of biodiversity, clear the macro and micro aspects of the goal of legal protect of biodiversity. Second, in the purpose of achieving the legal protecting goal of biodiversity, it analyzes the goal as well as its different levels of biodiversity conservation, which gets in the conclusion of unification and consistency of protect methods and the goals. Third, this paper concerns and discusses the problems in legal protection of biodiversity: the improper biodiversity conservation ideas, the legal system of biodiversity conservation still needs to be improved and the existing problems of biodiversity conservation methods. At last, with the reference of the theories of other disciplines as well as international research results of biodiversity conservation, it is cleared that there are several factors effect on the establishment of the guiding ideology of China’s legal institution of biodiversity conservation, and three aspects should be involved in establishing the guiding ideology: ensuring the ecological value of biodiversity and its critical role in sustainable use of ecosystems and their contributions to human well-being; persisting in the idea of sustainable development; enhancing public legal consciousness.
     Based on the establishment of the guiding ideology of China’s legal institution of biodiversity conservation, this paper puts forward the principles and to construct the guiding ideology, including: (1) principle of sustainable utilization; (2) principle of prevention; (3) public’s participants; (4) international cooperation; (5) the principle of unification and consistency of protect methods and the goals, and the last one is emphasized. Combining with the establishment of the above principles, it puts forward that the proper guiding ideology leads to the improvement of legal principles and content of legal institution of biodiversity conservation.
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