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With the advent and development of knowledge economy, the ability of quickly and efficiently achieving the knowledge they need is gradually becoming an essential resource for enterprises to obtain competitive advantage, especially to the high-tech companies. Based on the review and analysis of relevant reseaches, this research selected enterprise in a high-tech industry cluster as research objects to analyze their charactors of knowledge transfer and summed up the influence factors. We concluded the affecting factors and divided them into four aspects: the knowledge source factors, the knowledge receptor factors, the knowledge factors and the situational factors, and built an influencing factors model of knowledge transfer. And this thesis also did Reliability Analysis and Validity Analysis to adjust this model, and did an empirical analysis to verify this model and relevant hypothesises.
     Through this research, we found that: (1) There is a significant difference between the two industry groups in knowledge transfer results.The first group are composed by software, electronic game, IT and electromechanical industries, and the second group includes the education&training industry and sales&marketing industries. By analysis, we found the difference may be from the differenct levels of the trustiness of the relationship. (2) The most important factors which affected the knowledge transfer results of the enterprises of Zhejiang University High-tech Park are the degree of the intimate and trusty relationship between knowledge transfer enterprises, the ambiguility and embeddedness degree of the transferred knowledge and the knowledge source's transferring motivation &willingness. But the absorptive capacity which were emphersized by many scholars is not a main factors in this research, the reason can be the low ambiguility and embeddedness degree of the transferred knowledge which does not need high absorptive capacity. (3) The relationship between the two enterprises played a moderating role between the knowledge factors and transfer results.
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