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Since the reform and opening-up in China were launched, the cooperation of economy and trade between Chinese mainland and Taiwan is closer, and Chinese mainland has become the most favored and concentrated investment area for Taiwan province. Today, after more than 20 years of economic exchanges and cooperation, the investments in Chinese mainland from Taiwan province have not only realized the breakthrough in amount, but also achieved a qualitative leap. Undoubtedly, it's one of major contributions to the realization of economic growth at a sustained, fast and sound manner, also established solid basis to achieve mutual benefits between Chinese mainland and Taiwan. The current study, drawing on theoretical methodologies in regional economics, competitive advantage theory, western economics, institutional economics, statistics and econometrics, determines the meaning of regional cluster and the affection to competitive advantage on the basis the foregone researches. To evaluate and analyze the regional cluster and competitive advantage of Taiwan's investment in the mainland, the current study compares carefully the 31 provinces' own invested attraction in mainland by establishing index system of invested attraction, analyzes respectively the level of regional cluster and competitive advantage of main districts (take Xia Men City as classic documentation), thus puts forward the corresponding strategic means to promote the competitive advantage of regional cluster. The current study demonstrates its originality in two ways: First, it makes the defects in regional cluster of developing countries complete and obtains quantities of full and accurate data. Second, it establishes the all-around index system of invested attraction.
     The current study has drawn the following six main conclusions:
     1. A comparative study of invested attraction of 31 provinces in mainland shows that the result is close to the order of cast very much in region selected by Taiwanese investment, which indicates the obvious relevance between invested attraction and regional cluster.
     2. The regional cluster of Taiwanese enterprise in mainland shows the investment from Taiwan province mainly concentrate on the Delta of the Pearl Rival and the Yangtze River, which not only is affected by the policy, economy, investment environment and humanity ones, but also influenced by the characteristic property of enterprises. Among them, correlative industry is one of the key factors.
     3. Judging from the connection between industrial type and region selected of Taiwanese investment in mainland: both the conventional industries and high-tech ones have similar characteristics and different preference in the respects of marketplace factor, labor force factor, infrastructure construction, concentration factor etc. Usually, the future layout of high-tech industries will be affected easily by regional cluster, whose diffuse effect is not obvious. Differently, attracted by the labor force and local market, the conventional industries will favor those Middle West areas with more complete supporting facilities.
     4. The districts of Taiwanese investment in mainland gradually migrate from South China to East China, thus toward Bohai Rim Economic Circle further in the past 20 years. At present, the investment in Delta of the Pearl Rival and southern Fujian from Taiwan province has already slowed down obviously. Its priority now mainly takes Shanghai as centre, southern Jiangsu , northern Zhejiang including fields such as Suzhou , Wuxi, Chang Zhou City , Hangzhou , Ningbo as the both wings.
     5. At present, the tendency in optimization and adjustment of industrial structure is certain. As we all known, the field of Taiwanese investment has experienced the pattern change from traditional manufacturing to present high-tech industries. To a certain extent, the joint of the latter has pulled the development of high-tech industries in mainland, and is serves as an important role in accelerating the mainland's optimization and adjustment of industrial structure.
     6. The order of competitive advantage of the six main original clusters in mainland are eastern China, south central area; North China, Southwest area, Northeast China, Northwest Territories. Such concentrated areas of investment from Taiwan province as the Delta of the Pearl Rival and the Yangtze River have faced the optimization of industrial structure and transform of economic development after a wheel high speed grow-up, which also reflects the change in related policy and incline to resource in mainland.
1 《中共十七大报告》(2007.10.24)
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