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DSS data of Bohai Bay profile was processed in August 2011 and the result obtained in this paper and the results of other profiles,which cross this profile,were interpreted comprehensively in this paper. The DSS data were calculated and interpreted synthetically using 1-D and 2-D processing techniques in order to find out the basic features of 2-D velocity structures,spatial distribution of faults,geological structure of shallow and deep crust in the southwest margin of Bohai Bay and adjacent areas. The result shows that obvious layered structure appears along the profile,and the crustal velocity structures in different regions have obvious heterogeneity in the lateral and vertical directions. The crystalline basement near the Bohai Bay is gradually thinning southwestwards,and beneath the 220km Stake, the depth of G interface is 7. 4km. The thickness of the middle layer varies greatly,with the change range up to 4. 0km. The crustal depth varies relatively moderately,with a change range of about 2. 0km. The Moho deepens gradually from coastal area to the inland along the southwest direction.
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