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The granulite xenoliths in the Mingxi Cenozoic basalts provide a clue to understand the Mesozoic crustal-mantle interaction in South China.Zircon U-Pb dating of the Mingxi granulite xenolith reveals that the protolith were formed by multi-episodes of magmatisms.The dominant and the last magmatisms,which have negative zircon εHf(t) values(-16.1~-6.3),occurred in the Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous,respectively.These all suggest that the protolith of the Mingxi granulite xenolith was dominantly derived from the recycled crustal materials.In combination with P-T data of the Mingxi peridotite xenoliths,the lower crust-upper mantle geotherm beneath the Mingxi area are reconstructed according to the equilibrium t-p of the granulite xenoliths(756-826℃ and 0.55~0.78 GPa) calculated by the mineral compositions.The depth of petrologic crust-mantle boundary(~ 25 km) calculated from the Mingxi new geotherm is much lower than the seismic Moho depth(~ 31 km),suggesting a distinct crust-mantle transition zone in the area.Thus,the Mesozoic underplating may have occurred in the lower crust beneath the inland of South China,which may be an important mechanism of generating the Mesozoic felsic magmatism in South China.
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