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The distribution patterns of horizontal displacements, dynamic earth pressures, and horizontal accelerations of retaining walls constructed with soilbags filled with natural river sand under different horizontal vibration accelerations were investigated through small-scale shaking table tests,and they were compared with those of retaining walls reinforced with horizontal woven geotextiles and traditional rigid retaining walls under the same horizontal vibration accelerations. The results show that,when the input acceleration is not more than 0. 3g,the displacement of the retaining wall constructed with soilbags is slightly larger than that of the rigid retaining wall.With the increase of the input acceleration,slippage of the entire rigid retaining wall occurs,and then overturning failure occurs,while the retaining wall constructed with soilbags can still remain stable,showing a good seismic performance. The displacement of the retaining wall reinforced with horizontal woven geotextiles,with a maximum value at half of the wall height,is always larger than those of the retaining wall constructed with soilbags and the rigid retaining wall,and the convex deformation of the upper part of the retaining wall reinforced with horizontal woven geotextiles is more significant with the increase of the input acceleration. Dynamic earth pressure coefficients of retaining walls show a nonlinear distribution along the wall height,with larger values in the upper part of retaining walls and smaller values in the lower part. With the increase of the input acceleration and wall height,the horizontal acceleration amplification ratio of the retaining wall constructed with soilbags increases,and is slightly lower than those of the retaining wall reinforced with horizontal woven geotextiles and the rigid retaining wall.According to failure and instability modes of retaining walls constructed with soilbags,the seismic performance ofretaining walls constructed with soilbags can be improved greatly through reinforcement of some soilbags at top layers with geotextiles.
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