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The 145-km-long,southeast-dipping and normal-faulting with dextral slip Luoyunshan frontal fault zone controls the western edge of NE-trending Linfen Basin which locates at the southwestern part of the Shanxi fault-depression system.Two historic strong earthquakes successively occurred in the Linfen Basin:the A.D.1695 Linfen M7W1/2 and the A.D.1303 Hongdong M8 earthquakes.In the previous work,based on distribution features of the fault that it is intersected by three NW-trending faults and its strike changes abruptly at Fanjiazhuang village,the fault is divided into five segments:Wanshengsi-Tumen,Tumen-Yuli,Yuli-Weicun,Weicun-Fanjiazhuang,and Fanjiazhuang-Xiweikou.And its Quternary activity history is divided into three phases:end of Middle Pleistocene to early of Late Pleistocene,end of Late Pleistocene to early of Holocene and Holocene.Quaternary deposition thickness and deposition rate of the Tumen-Yuli segment are prominent along the Luoyunshan frontal fault zone.Longci depression center is adjacent to the fault and extends along its direction.Cenozoic strata is 1800meters thick,including 1100meters thick of Pliocene strata and 700meters thick of Quaternary strata,indicating a gradually increased trend of depression's deposition and the most intensive activity.Many previous studies show that the segment is active in Holocene.However,few of these studies have provided authentic geologic evidence.Paleoseismic trenching and fault geomorphologic investigation provide effective methods to obtain the most recent activity parameters of active faults.Applying these methods,this paper makes some breakthroughs on the most recent activity of Longci-Yukou segment along the Luoyunshan frontal fault zone on the western boundary of Linfen Basin.Research indicates that tectonic geomorphologic scarps with heights of 2.5m±,5.2m± and 8m±,respectively,present continually on these alluvial fanheads;the terraces T1 of gully around Longci are dated to be about 7500aBP;terraces with heights of 3.5m±,8m±,18m± above the gully base,respectively,in the NW-trending Xifanggou are related to the scarps;the Xifanggou trench exposure records five surface-rupturing paleoearthquake events since late Pleistocene and the youngest event in the trench probably occurred in Holocene,sometime after(7.52±0.1)ka,which is significant for protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters in the Linfen Basin.
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