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The Late-Quaternary deformation characteristics of the large faulting zones extending through interior mountains are critical to understanding the crustal deformation of the Tianshan Mountains.Based on large-scale remote sensing image interpretation,field survey measurements,trenching and thermoluminescence dating on the Nalati fault,a major faulting Zone within interior Tianshan,we obtained the slip parameters to unveil the kinematic features of this fault.The results show that on this fault strong motion since Late-Quaternary occurred with dominant thrust accompanied by sinistral strike-slip.The fault zone is composed by a number of secondary faults with different tendencies distributing in a swathe transvesely ranging several kilometers from south to north.These secondary faults are "positive flower structure" that branches from the main fault at depth and spreads to the surface.The constant re-occurrences of outrcropping co-seismic ruptures imply that the Nalati fault is an important seismogenic structure of the interior Tianshan in Late-Quaternary period.On the Nalati Hill piedmont,this fault sinistrally dislocated the Late-Quaternary geomorphic units including fault scarps,gullies,and landforms.As shown by fault throw measurements and the dating of corresponding units,the Nalati fault contributes to the south-north trending crustal shortening at the rate of about 0.8~1.lmm/a,which suggests that obvious deformation exists in the interior of the Tianshan Mountains.Related to previous geological studies,the balance of crustal deformation across the Tianshan Mountains is further discussed and the results suggest that the piedmonts on both sides of the Tianshan Mountains may possibly accommodate more crustal deformation than the interior Tianshan does,while the exceeding accommodation could not be significant.The new discovery of sinistral strike-slip on the Nalati fault has important tectonic meaning which calls for deep consideration of strain distribution along the Tianshan Mountains.
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