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The Wan'an Basin is a strike-slip and pull-apart basin formed by the tensile stress derived from the dextral strike-slip movement of the Wan'an fault on its east side.Main faults extend in NE、NEE and SN directions that formed a tectonic pattern of "three swells-four depressions"in the basin.The basin experienced a successive tectonic evolution of basement formation,initial rifting,rifting development(first phase of rifting),early postrifting(second phase of rifting)、tectonic inversion and postrifting(regional subsidence).Based on the relationship of two-way travel time vs.depth between stacking velocities from the seismic data and drilling data from wells,four megasequence boundaries were identified: MB1,the top of the acoustic Pre-Tertiary basement;MB2,the top of the Oligocene(24Ma);MB3,the Late Miocene(8Ma);MB4,the Early Pliocene(4Ma).Above each megasequence boundary(MB),there is a megasequence(MS).They are referred to as MS1 to MS4 from the oldest to youngest,corresponding to a lacustrine-deltaic depositional system of Late Eocene-Oligocene;a transitional system of non-marine-littoral-shelf in Late Miocene;a system of carbonate-shallow water shelf and deltaic system of Miocene-Early Pliocene and a shelf-slope-deep marine system of Early Pliocene-Quaternary,respectively.
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