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Hopanoid Acids and Their Geochemistry Significance Detected in Seep Carbonates from the South China Sea Continental Slope

     The lipid biomarkers of hopanoid acids in cold seep carbonates from the South China Sea continental slope are investigated.In the hopanoid acids,17β(H,21β(H-30-hopanoid acid-17β(H,21β(H-33-hopanoid acid are identified with 17β(H,21β(H-32-hopanoid acid being the most aboundant.The 17β(H,21β(H-32-hopanoic acid depleted in 13 C and theδ13 C value-69.8‰)fall close to the range of SRBsulfate-reducing bacteria-derived iso-/anteiso-C150-75.2to-90.0‰)in site1 seep carbonateTVG3-C2,ANME-2dominated,suggesting the incorporation of methane-derived carbon.Although they show non-seep isotopic signatures-30.7to-40.3,ANME-1dominatedin site3TVG8-C5and site2seep carbonatesTVG13-C3and TVG14-C2,hopanoidsδ13 C values fall close to the range of SRB-derived iso-/anteiso-C150-32.5 to-49.8‰).The majority of SRB are not involved in AOManaerobic oxidization of methanepossibly because ANME-1cells often occur as monospecific aggregates.

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