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Main Controlling Factor of Mudstone Fracture Reservoir Formation and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Yasongdi Area
The mudstone fracture reservoirs develop in lower mudstone section of Bachu Formation in Yasongdi Area.Fractures are mainly high angle fractures and oblique tectonic fractures,followed by bedding sewing.Fractures have obvious contribution to reservoir permeability.The study shows that the causes of fracture are mainly related to tectonic stress,tectonic position and lithology,in which tectonic function is the most fundamental fracturing effect.Brittle mineral content is the key factor to influence the development of fractures.In the study area,the oil and gas shows in mudstone fracture reservoirs are active,which have confirmed the existence of the accumulation process and conventional testing can obtain productivity.If some measures for fracturing and other related engineering are taken,the mudstone fracture reservoirs in this region have a certain exploration value.

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