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  • 英文篇名:Advances in Water and Heat Transfer Mechanism and Snow Model
  • 作者:王子龙 ; 付强 ; 姜秋香 ; 王湘浩
  • 英文作者:WANG Zilong;FU Qiang;JIANG Qiuxiang;WANG Xianghao;College of Water Conservancy and Architecture,Northeast Agricultural University;
  • 关键词:积雪 ; 水热迁移 ; 积雪特性参数 ; 积雪模型
  • 英文关键词:snow;;water and heat transfer;;snow characteristic parameter;;snow model
  • 中文刊名:SWZZ
  • 英文刊名:Journal of China Hydrology
  • 机构:东北农业大学水利与建筑学院;
  • 出版日期:2016-06-25
  • 出版单位:水文
  • 年:2016
  • 期:v.36;No.213
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金(51579045,51279031);; 黑龙江省自然科学基金(D201403);; 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划(UNPYSCT-2015006);; 东北农业大学“青年才俊”项目(14QC45)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:SWZZ201603003
  • 页数:6
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:11-1814/P
  • 分类号:8-12+57
        Snow is a key component of terrestrial hydrological cycle and atmospheric process,which regulates the energy exchange between land and atmosphere and plays an important role in energy balance and water and heat transfer of land surface.This paper introduced the measurements of snow characteristic parameters and water and heat transfer mechanism of snow,classified and summarized the existing snow models,and pointed that the suggested potentials in future studies will focus on parameterization scheme of snow characteristic parameters,numerical simulation and scale transformation.
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