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  • 英文篇名:The Comparison of Effects of Two Kinds of Rural Settlement Consolidation Mode on Villagers' Production——Based on 211 villagers' investigations
  • 作者:孙琦 ; 王瑷玲 ; 张圣武 ; 赵乐 ; 潘玉翠 ; 苏晨晨
  • 英文作者:SUN Qi;WANG Ai-ling;ZHANG Sheng-wu;ZHAO Le;PAN Yu-cui;SU Chen-chen;College of Resources and Environment/Shandong Agricultural University;Land Appraisal Centre of Tai'an Land and Resource Bureau;
  • 关键词:农村居民点 ; 整治模式 ; 生产影响 ; 比较
  • 英文关键词:Rural settlement;;consolidation modes;;effect on production;;comparison
  • 中文刊名:SCHO
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
  • 机构:山东农业大学资源与环境学院;泰安市国土资源局土地评估中心;
  • 出版日期:2017-10-15
  • 出版单位:山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)
  • 年:2017
  • 期:v.48
  • 基金:山东农业大学现代农业发展研究院第三批研究课题(14xsk2-03);; 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2013DM006)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:SCHO201705033
  • 页数:6
  • CN:05
  • ISSN:37-1132/S
  • 分类号:155-160
        It is of great significance to strengthen the study on the effect of rural settlement consolidation on villagers' production for evaluating the benefits of rural settlement consolidation scientifically and perfecting the relevant policies. In this study, Hutun Town, Feicheng City was chosen as the study area. This study used a combinatorial method, which is combined by the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the basis of the questionaire survey, to evaluate and compare the positive and negative effect on villagers' production of the two kinds of the rural settlement consolidation mode which include in-situ reconstruction and remote relocation. In order to evaluate the effect on villagers' production, 16 index factors were selected from 4 aspects, including production modes, production convenience,production input and economy income, to establish the evaluation index system. The evaluation results showed that both of the two kinds of rural settlement consolidation mode had a little effect on villagers' production on the whole. The positive effect of Taoyang village which was in a mode of in-situ reconstruction was 11.86%, the negative effect was 0.92% and the left 87.22% was of no effect; while Jianbei village, in a mode of remote relocation, the positive effect was 10.89%, the negative effect was 19.95% and the left 69.16% was of no effect. Thus it could be seen that the positive effect suffered by villagers from the two villages were basically the same, while the negative effect suffered by Jianbei villagers were greater than that by Taoyang villagers. Based on the results, the study put forward some suggestions including to develop the two or three industry, to promote the land circulation, to cultivate new peasants and other suggestions for the followed work of the rural settlement consolidation, in order to eliminate the negative effect of rural settlement consolidation on villagers' production.
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