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  • 英文篇名:Study on the distribution and variation of fishing vessels in East China Sea and Yellow Sea based on the nighttime light remote sensing data from SNPP/VIIRS
  • 作者:吴佳文 ; 官文江
  • 英文作者:WU Jiawen;GUAN Wenjiang;College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University;The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Education;
  • 关键词:SNPP/VIIRS ; 夜光遥感 ; 渔船 ; 时空分布 ; 东海 ; 黄海
  • 英文关键词:SNPP/VIIRS;;nighttime light remote sensing;;fishing vessels;;spatial distribution;;East China Sea;;Yellow Sea
  • 中文刊名:ZSCK
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
  • 机构:上海海洋大学海洋科学学院;大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室;
  • 出版日期:2019-03-15
  • 出版单位:中国水产科学
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.26
  • 基金:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1400903);; NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金资助项目(U1609202)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:ZSCK201902001
  • 页数:11
  • CN:02
  • ISSN:11-3446/S
  • 分类号:4-14
基于SNPP (Suomi national polar-orbiting partnership)卫星的VIIRS (visible infrared imaging radiometer suite)传感器获取的2013年1月至2017年12月夜光遥感渔船数据,对东、黄海渔船时空分布及其变化特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)遥感获取的渔船数据基本能够反映中国东、黄海捕捞活动和渔业资源时空分布变化的特点,如2月受天气和中国春节的影响,南、北渔场渔船分布范围大幅减少, 8月南渔场和10月北渔场受当年生渔业资源补充及近海索饵群体集聚的影响,渔船分布范围及数量均达到最大值;同时,渔船时空分布及重心变化也反映了黄海暖流、台湾暖流、沿岸流及长江冲淡水等对渔业资源时空分布的影响。(2)渔业政策实施的效果在夜光遥感渔船数据中有很好的体现,在禁渔期间,船次数有明显减少,但捕捞活动并没有完全消失,仍可能存在违法捕捞行为。(3)南渔场年船次总数呈下降趋势,南、北渔场渔船空间分布重心均呈西移趋势,可能与渔业资源量及空间分布变动等因素有关。受天气等因素影响,遥感数据可能存在一定问题,但研究结果表明, SNPP/VIIRS夜光遥感数据仍可为中国近海灯光诱捕作业的监测提供有效的数据支持。
        Based on the fishing vessel data obtained from VIIRS(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)payloaded on SNPP(Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite), this paper studies the temporal and spatial distribution of fishing vessels and its variation in East China Sea and Yellow Sea. The results show that:(1)Fishing vessel data can reflect the temporal and spatial distribution of fishing activities and fishery resources in East China Sea and Yellow Sea, for example, the distribution of fishing vessels in the north fishing region has been greatly reduced because of weather and the Spring Festival in February and the distribution range and number of fishing vessels which are affected by the supplement of fishery resources in current year and the concentration of coastal feeding groups reach the peaks in the south fishing region in August and in the north fishing region in October, respectively. Moreover, the temporal and spatial distribution of fishing vessels and the change of their barycenter also indicate the influence of Yellow Sea Warm Current, Taiwan Warm Current, Coastal Current, and Changjiang Diluted Water on the distribution of fishery resources.(2) The effects of fishery policy are well reflected in the fishing vessel data. During the closed fishing season, the sailings have obviously decreased, but fishing activities have not completely disappeared, and illegal fishing may still exist.(3) The annual sailings in the south fishing ground decrease and the barycenter in the north or south fishing grounds generally move westward,which might be related to the alternations of fishery resources. The quality of remote sensing data will be impacted by cloud cover and other factors, but SNPP/VIIRS night light remote sensing data can still provide support for the monitoring of the light-fishing industry in the coastal regions of China.
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