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  • 英文篇名:Characteristics of lower limb muscle force of elite speed skater Zhang Hong
  • 作者:黄达武 ; 吴瑛 ; 朱星 ; 王新宝 ; 陈月亮
  • 英文作者:HUANG Da-wu;WU Ying;ZHU Xing;WANG Xin-bao;CHEN Yue-liang;College of P.E., Jiangxi Normal University;Shanghai University of Sport;Dept.of P.E.,Hubei Institute of Technology;
  • 关键词:速度滑冰 ; 峰力矩 ; 平均功率 ; 肌力比
  • 英文关键词:speed skating;;TP;;AP;;H/Q
  • 中文刊名:TIRE
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Shandong Sport University
  • 机构:江西师范大学体育学院;上海体育学院;湖北理工学院体育部;
  • 出版日期:2019-02-25
  • 出版单位:山东体育学院学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.35;No.174
  • 基金:国家科技支撑计划(2009BAK57B05);; 国家体育总局科研项目(2012A022);; 江西省社会科学规划项目(15YT03)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:TIRE201901013
  • 页数:7
  • CN:01
  • ISSN:37-1013/G8
  • 分类号:76-82
目的:研究优秀女子短距离速滑运动员张虹下肢三关节等速肌力特征,为速滑运动员力量训练的检验和实施提供参考。方法:运用德国产Isomed 2000等速测试系统对张虹下肢三关节、屈伸两过程进行角速度为60°/s和180°/s的等速肌力测试。结果:1)相对于踝背屈肌群而言,张虹踝背伸肌群肌力发展更好;肌力比在30%左右,左右踝同名肌群肌力差异在10%以内,平均功率符合专项要求;2)伸膝肌群速度力量发展优异,肌力比在55%左右;左右膝同名肌群肌力差在10%以内,平均功率大,快速做功能力强;3)髋关节屈、伸肌速度力量发展均较好,肌力比在50%左右,左右髋同名肌群肌力差在10%以内;4)快速屈伸过程中,左右腿三关节峰力矩角对称,速度对峰力矩角影响较小;膝、踝关节峰力矩角符合专项特征;5)与同水平运动员相比,张虹下肢三关节速度力量优势明显,肌力比合理,左右腿肌力发展更均衡。
        Objective: To study the characteristics of Zhang Hong lower limbs joints isokinetic muscle strength. Methods: Using German Isomed 2000 isokinetic test system testing flexion and extension process in Zhang's two lower limb joints at 60 °/s and the 180 °/s angular velocity. Results: 1) Compared to the ankle dorsiflexion muscle, Zhang's ankle back extensor muscle strength is better; H/Q keeps in 30% or so, the difference PT between the same muscle in two legs is within 10%, and AP meets the professional requirements; 2) the fast power of knee stretching muscle is excellent, H/Q keeps in 55% or so, the difference PT between the same muscle in two legs is within 10%,AP is great and fast work ability is prominent; 3) the fast power of hip flexor and extensor are highly developed,H/Q keeps in 50% or so,the difference PT between the same muscle in two legs is within 10%; 4) the AOPT of three joints in two legs are symmetry in fast action and less affected by the velocity; the AOPT in knee and ankle conforms to the professional requirements; 5) Compared with athletes of the same level,Zhang's fast power in lower limb joints is obviously advantageous,H/Q keeps reasonable,and the strength of two legs is more balanced.
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