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目的探讨推拿配合功能锻炼治疗肩周炎的疗效。方法本研究采用对比设计方法,将60例符合纳入标准的患者,分为治疗组与对照组各30例,治疗组用推拿配合功能锻炼治疗4周,对照组用扶他林乳胶剂外涂配合功能锻炼治疗4周,用视觉模拟评分法(visasl analoguescale,VAS)、Melle评分记录治疗前后症状积分变化,对比并观察疗效。结果两组治疗前VAS、Melle评分无统计学差异,治疗4周后,治疗组VAS评分(4.06±0.740)、Melle评分(4.800±0.997),对照组VAS评分(6.33±0.758)、Melle评分(6.60±1.003),治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论推拿是治疗肩周炎的有效方法。
Objective to discuss the therapeutic effect of Periarthritis of Shoulder Treated by massage combined with functional exercise.Method: It used a control design approach, 60 patients met the inclusion criteria were divided into treatment group and control group, each of 30 patients.The patients of treatment group was treated by massage combined with functionalexercise for 4 weeks. The patients of control group was treated by Voltaren Emulgel applied topically combined with functional exercise. Using the visual analog scale(VAS) and the Melle sacle tomark the changing of Symptoms before and after the treatment. It compared and observe the therapeutic effect.Results Before the treatment, there was no statistical difference in VAS and Melleof treatment group and control group. After four weeks treatment, VAS of treatment group was 4.06±0.740, and Melle was 4.800±0.997. While VAS of control group was 6.33±0.758, and Melle was 6.60±1.003. Treatment group was superior to control group(P<0.01).Conclusion: Massage is an effective approach for treatment of periarthritis of shoulder.

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