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针对巢湖西部水体夏季藻类聚集量大、表层底泥中铁等重金属以及硫化物含量高,主要河道入湖口易发生大面积"黑水团"现象,通过室内藻体堆积诱发实验,研究了自然扰动和底泥翻耕对黑水团发生的影响,分析了新生沉积物-水界面底泥关键物化指标的变化与响应,结果表明:底泥翻耕处理(约15 cm)可以明显提高对缺氧环境的耐受力,控制表层沉积物及其新生界面中Fe(Ⅲ)向Fe(Ⅱ)的转化,以及还原性硫化物(AVS等)关键物质在表层沉积物积累,抑制了硫化亚铁等致黑物质的形成,从而达到对湖泊聚藻区黑臭风险预控的目的。
The lager biomass of alga gathered in the western part of Lake Chaohu, combined the high concentration of heavy metal(Fe) and sulfide in the surface of sediment led frequent bursts of "black bloom"in the main estuary region of Lake Chaohu. In view of this situation, by algae accumulation experiment, we analyzed the response of sediment with natural disturbance and plow-tillage treatments to "black bloom", as well as the key characteristics of freshly formed water-sediment, results showed as flowed: appropriate plow-tillage treatment(about 15cm) of surface sediment could improve the tolerance for hypoxia of water column dramatically in order to limit the transfer from Fe(Ⅲ) to Fe( Ⅱ) and the accumulation of reductive sulfide(AVS) in the surface sediment, the formation process of materials closely related to the burst of"black bloom" such as ferrous sulfide is restrained, consequently, the risk of "black bloom" in the alga gathering areas decreased.

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