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The high school library is the integral part of our country library business, and is also an important constituent of the school education system. It carries the glorious mission of education for all-round development. In currently, we take the promotion in change of way of student’s study as one of the important contents in new course reform, and emphasize the library function in the teaching. The independent study, cooperating learning, and the investigation study that the new course advocate depend on participation of the library, even the best teacher can't act for the function of the library. The student's overall development, knowledge, the formations of the value, and world view all are connection with the library directly or indirectly. Seeing from this angle, it has very big space in the usage of school library. However, many school libraries are attenuated for the reason of examination-oriented education system. For a long time, the function of high school library was gradually weakened, and many students think it is not necessary and even forgot the library, and they did not participate in the activity which held by school library. So it is an issue how to take good use of high school library under the such background between examination-oriented education system and all-round development, and keep high school student on continual development in their lifetime. The condition is limited, but the service is infinite, we should make use of the current education resources and set up a special feature in reading guidance system by improving the base of our quality.
     The writer combines with the experience in many years working in library, using investigates and research method to investigate and analyze the circumstance, the reading guidance condition, reader's reading habit, the use of the library status in our area, and clarify the reason which influence the library reading guidance have already come from society, family, or come from a president, teacher, and all staff as well. In succession, the writer advance an assumption to train the students’reading interest and humanities mind, and enhance themselves study ability by developing library reading guidance. The writer validate the assumption by using activity research method to put reading guidance into practice in some students of grade one in one junior high school and get the conclusion of the affirmation. Finally, directing by the theory of B.A.Cyxomjncknn’s educational thought of reading and the constructivism learning, combining with the actual circumstance in our area, putting forward a goal that make the students continue study through using library for lifelong is the goal of education that "big library" educates need as well. Taking the reading guidance work as a correspond point, using a principle evaluation, strengthen consciousness, contents arrangement, organization implement and course question measure to attain teaching purpose, it is the activity of the whole societies, families, president, teacher and staffs by completely using books and library work, and it is the concrete measure of the perfect library reading guidance work.
     This research tries to set up a kind of library reading guidance mode of "independent type", develop the students strong interest in the reading and the humanities mind under the examination-oriented education system, enhance the students’information attainment, make the know how to learn and how to use library. Through implementing this reading guidance work, we can carry on the students’moral character education, develop the corrected reading method, master the right way of obtain the knowledge, promote students to comprehend and digest with knowledge in classroom, open students’intelligence, make the students master an inspectional method, resolve various problems that meet in the study by using the library data, verify and expand the classroom knowledge, shape an active studying attitude and study habit.
     The thesis mainly includes three parts, The first part: Introduction, mainly elaborate the background and purpose of library reading guidance work in high school, and the present condition of the research and the research method etc.; The second part: The present condition of investigation and analysis of library reading guidance work in high school; The third part: The practice explore of library reading guidance work in high school.
     Based on the foundation of the theories and the practice, this thesis explores the library assistant to develop reading guidance work and enhance the students’leaning ability under the environment pressure of entering higher school. The writer thinks it is pertinent and feasible to resolve the education practice problem
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