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Develop new soil amendment which is form waste resource and lower cost is the important approach to develop water saving、high efficient、standing modern agriculture, and to utilize farmland precipitation resource more efficiently. Through the inside and field test, this paper is research on the inflection on crop and soil with two new soil amendment PJG and PFL (the major materials of PJG is straw and junk form building, PFL is coal slack and slag), and open out the mechanism of water saving and increasing production. All of that are the theory and technology values for the vast area application.
     The conclusion is that:
     ⑴Potted plant test indicate: the influence on seeding rate of corm by two soil amendment is not obviously, but it have significant inflection on straw high and leaf area. The dried weigh of corn in seeding stage with amendment are higher than CK, the best dosage of PJG and PFL is 0.8% and 0.05%. The dissipate mete of water decrease with the use of soil amendment increased, the more using, the best water saving. The suggesting best dosage of PJG and PFL in corn test is 0.8% and 0.05%.
     ⑵The influence on strew high and leaf area of corn in the whole growth time is quite obviously. it can increase the dried weigh in tassel time obviously, the photosynthesis of corn in the whole day with amendment are all higher than CK, PJG and PFL increase 138.54% and 98.99% as that as CK; there is no obvious change of transpiration rate with amendment, but stomatic conductance are higher than CK 32.88%and 15.34% of PJG and PFL. The chlorophyll content is all higher than CK, and the largest differences are in the big bell time. The soil compactiveness with amendment is lower than CK 27.46% and 22.11% in 0-20cm soil layer. The change of water content in the surface layer of soil is flat, the soil water content of CK, PJG and PFL account for 67.4%, 71.4% and 71.1% of field capacity.
     ⑶Soil amendment can increase kilo weight of grain, yield and utilization ratio of the moisture; the kilo weight of grain of PJG and PFL are higher than CK 3.17% and 1.48%;yields are 22.79%and 21.39%; Utilization ratio of the moisture is 25.8% and 24.82%.
     ⑷The stable infiltration are higher than CK with two amendment, and it increases with the dosage. Soil characteristics all higher than CK, ever level of that with PJG is 0.2%<0.8%<2%<4%, PFL is 0.2%<0.8%<4%<2%. In the constant temperature, the vaporize rate with two amendment are all lower than CK in the primary vaporize time. The vaporize rate changed as fluctuate in the normal temperature, the rule of PJG is 0.8%>0.2%>2%>4% in the first 10 days; the rule of PFL is that vaporize rate reduce as more as the dosage from the tenth day to the over of vaporize time. In the constant and normal temperature vaporize time, the cumulate vaporize rate are lower than CK with two soil amendment.
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