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Transportation is the foundation of human lives and society development.Transportation can promote the fast development of national economy and strengthen the different regional communication in trade and culture.We must develop the transportation economy quickly to perfect socialism market economy system,while highway passenger transportation market occupy the outstanding position.It is necessary to study the construction and management of highway passenger transportation market in Heilongjiang province for forming our mordern highway transportation market and promoting the development of transportation economy.This paper,based on real cases, study the construction and management method of highway passenger transportation market.
    This paper will study in detail concerning the constructionsituation,demand
    analysis and calculate,construction model and system evaluation of Heilongjiang highway passenger transportation market.
    Key points are as the followings:
    1.Basic understanding to highway passenger transportation market.
    2.The basic actuality, the necessity,cause and contents of the highway passenger transportation market in our province.
    3.Analyse the related factors which affect the transportation market demand in our province,establish the need and calculation model ,in order to supply the information for construction of transportation market .
    4.Study the basic model and management mechanism.The construction model of passenger transportation market includes four sub-system.They are main part,objective part,media service and transport trade management system.Describe their fuction,content,surrounding and measure.
    5.System evaluation.Primarily introduce the principle,step,function,index system,the evaluation model and method of the system.
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