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Regional relationship is one of the cores and directions of regional economic research. Interaction, coordinated and sustainable regional relations will be conducive to the operation of regional system to save costs and improve its operating efficiency.
     However, the regional relation is obviously lack of coordination in China, the gap of regional economic and social development is widening in urban-rural and the three major economic zones, and then, the regional environmental problems are becoming more and more irreversible along with the economic development. Regional relations drop into a "development competition - Gap - regional relations deteriorated - increasing conflicts between people and land" development dilemma. Resolving the non-coordinated development relationships between regions becomes one of the major problems faced current and future for a long period of time in China.
     It is the major strategic innovation to promote implementing the main function zoning from the "functional area" in promotion of regional division of labor, coordination of regional relations, realization sustainable development. However, the local government is the main body of the region, and industrialization is the only way to achieve regional development. The state who designated by the main optimization of functional zoning zone, key development, restricted development zones and the prohibition zone, will extremely constrain their development in some areas. Regional system will ultimately fall into the industrialized development game in local government and local government, local government and the central government.
     It is benefitting national development pattern formation to establish the ecological compensation mechanism based on the main function zoning. And it is important policy direction to establish the ecological compensation mechanism in the central government's financial transfer payment policy, vigorously promoting the ecological construction, supporting the establishment of regional between the "replacement of land in different places" and "eco-trading". However, for some regions (those regions lagging behind economic development, ecological environment is fragile, important ecological functions), the gifted based on geographic and environmental conditions determine the "positive" ecological compensation does not solve the problem of regional development, and, for these backward areas, Compensation can't solve the fundamental development problem.
     The paper believes that the transfer of the rural population of the relevant region and promoting its urbanization through the role of market forces, is important regional ecological compensation mechanism and direction in coordination of regional relations and improving the main functional areas. By urbanization of the rural population transfer from backward areas, it is on one hand to ease the pressure of ecological environment in backward areas, on the other hand to achieve the personal development, and then, promote the other regions (that is, the optimization of the so-called development areas and key development areas) of the urbanization / industrial development .In this paper, it is known as "reverse" ecological compensation mechanism.
     As a starting point, this paper proposes "regional ecological compensation mechanism of rural urbanization", and in-depth analyses and discusses its theoretical problems and the internal mechanism from seven chapters in four parts.
     The first part of the chapter I, is the paper's introduction. This part focuses on putting forward the problem from the theoretical difficulties of the major functional zoning for the national coordination of regional relations, the establishment of regional ecological compensation mechanism, the regional ecological compensation mechanism of rural urbanization. And then, it elaborates research methods, purpose and meaning, ideas and frameworks in this thesis.
     The second part is chapter II. In this part, the paper discusses the basic theory issue of rural urbanization coordinating regional development based on regional ecological compensation. The paper discusses the two basic theoretical bases in economics and geography to explain rural urbanization coordination regional development from the market-based mechanism. The paper analyses China's regional development issues under the market failure, and proposes that the implementation of regional ecological compensation is the fundamental way to coordinate regional development. And then, the paper puts forward that the rural population urbanization is of great theoretical significance to coordinate regional development under the role of market forces, and it is the fundamental direction to establish the mechanism of the rural population urbanization based on regional ecological compensation.
     The third part includes chapter III, IV, V, VI. It is the empirical part of the thesis. From the reality of China's regional relations, the paper demonstrates the rural population urbanization is the important mechanism to improve the regional ecological compensation and coordinate the development of relations.
     The third chapter focuses on the regional rural poverty. In this part, the paper proposes that the rural area is the most important economic backward areas under the uneven pattern of regional economic and social development in China, and then, it analyzes the inherent mechanism of the rural regional poverty from the view of "regional". From sorting and understanding some ways of Chinese rural poverty exploitation to overcome poverty, the paper proposes that the poverty exploitation can't solve rural poverty because of a great many limites.
     ChapterⅣfocuses on the "ecological compensation" effect of the rural population urbanization. In this part, the paper expounds the history development process of China's agricultural migration, analyzes the ecological migrants of China's current implementation. And the paper puts forward that the Chinese agricultural immigrants is over from the views of equalization of China's residents basic public services. And further, the paper discusses the positive effects of rural population urbanization for promoting regional coordination development and improving ecological environment of backward areas from the perspective of "rural migrant workers in city".
     ChapterⅤdiscusses the obstacle and problem of the rural population urbanization transfer. The main contents include, Situation of human capital from the rural population, rural land issues, some respects of the city providing public goods and public services、city resources、limited land space, national population urbanization migration problems and a number of other important factors.
     In chapterⅥ, the paper puts forward the policy system for establishing to promote the rural population urbanization transfer in views of the main functional areas to coordinate regional development.?The paper believes that education migration is a fundamental strategy. It is an important strategy? to? establish the rural development space from rural land use structure optimization and quality improvement to promote transfer of rural urbanization.?And the paper proposes that it is an important institutional arrangement to optimize their focus on the development of regional development of labor-intensive industries and expanding the scope of key development areas to undertake the rural transfer population. Then, the paper gives a number of other policy recommendations from the city management.
     The forth part is ChapterⅦ. It is the conclusion of the paper. In this part, the paper presents some awareness conclusions, describes and explains the lack of research on the thesis and further research.
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