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Aimed at developing China's motor industry into a world motor goal manufacturing center, the paper studied the law of the transfer of the manufacturing sector and the development of China into the world's manufacturing center, the organization innovation and promotion of the entrepreneurship of the electrical strategic manufacturing center and the ways of realization.
     Firstly, through the research on the status of the international industrial transfer, the paper summed up the general rules of the industrial regional transfer, expounded the regional transfer trend of international motor industry, and the comparative advantages that make China an international motor center. From the perspective of accepting industrial transfer, according to the characteristics of transfer and acceptance of labor-intensive motor industries and capital -technology-intensive motor industries, and in accordance with requirements in the process of the transfer of international manufacture industries for the comparative advantages of the host countries, as well as the comparative advantages of making China a manufacture and motor industry, the paper expounded the basic conditions that make China an international manufacture center and a motor manufacture center. Subsequently, applying the S-C-P method of industrial organization theory, from the aspects of market concentration, competition behavior, market performance, the paper deeply and systematically analyzed the industrial organization status of motor industry of China, and thus found that the low concentration market, disorder competition, and the economy of non-scale are common problems in the manufacture industry of China. In light of these problems, in the demonstration of the motor industry and the manufacture industry market structure, competition behavior and the target position of market performance of China, the paper, further combining the targets of perfection of motor industry organization of China with the strategic targets of achieving international motor manufacture center of China, combining the industry organizations adjustment and the strategy of innovation with the model of international motor manufacture center, studied various industry organization adjustment, innovation and the models of manufacture centers of motor industry of China including large-scale enterprises as a core to set up enterprise groups of enterprise restructuring mode and the one of the ability to form the core; the formation and development model of motor-enterprise cluster and the model of forming core competency; the model of cooperating with foreign business men, and the one of the ability to form the core. Finally, according to the strategy targets of the motor industrial restructuring and upgrading of China, the paper studied the motor manufacture industry of China as a sustained strategy of international motor manufacture center - breakthrough technology differential and industry differential to achieve the strategic goal of industry restructuring and industry upgrading, and to achieve the strategic objectives of motor industry readjustment and upgrade of the motor industry through the implementation of international investment strategy.
     The paper, adopting the methods of normal and empirical analysis and applying industry transfer theory, industry organization theory international investment theory, internationalized strategy theory, studied the strategies of industrial organization innovation, motor industry restructuring and industry upgrading of China. Through the empirical analysis of the motor industry, the paper upgraded the general law of relative industries of developed countries transferring to developing countries and the regional transfer of motor and manufacture industries under the background of economic globalization, and industry readjustment of industry regional transfer, models of industry upgrading and industry structure heightening, and developing model of internationalization.
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