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The source and significance of three nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorous and silicon, were investigated by a modified dilution method performed on sea water samples from three stations of the Jiaozhou Bay for one year and the Badaxia Mesocosm in Sep 2004. The method, brought forward by Andersen dilution experiments, accounts for the phytoplankton growth rate, microzooplankton grazing rate and also quantifying internal and external nutrient pools, as well as nutrient supplied through remineralization by heterotrophs.
     The results indicated that outside the bay during one year the average of the maximum growth rate of the phytoplankton which is 1.10d-1 is the largest, the average of the microzooplankton grazing rate which is 0.71d-1 is in middle at the three stations. The nutrient limited degree is higher than the other two stations, the internal nutrient phosphorus pools in Jan (KI=2.18) and in Sep (KI=2.44) has heavy influence for the growth of the phytoplankton, the remineralized nitrogen pools in May (KR=1.47) and in Sep (KR=1.82) also have efficient affections for the growth of the phytoplankton, the internal nitrogen pool in Jan (KI=1.31), the external nitrogen pool in Sep (KE=1.09), are also demanded by the growth of the phytoplankton.
     Inside the bay among each month the average of the maximum growth rates of phytoplankton is in middle which is 0.87d-1, the average of microzooplankton grazing rates is the largest which is 0.81d-1 at the three stations. The nutrient limited degree is in middle at the three stations, in Nov the internal nutrient phosphorus pool (KI=3.58) is the largest demanded by the growth of the phytoplankton, the second is the remineralized phosphorus pool (KR=1.41) in Sep.
     In the harbor during one year the average of the maximum growth rates of the phytoplankton and microzooplankton grazing rates both are the lowest , which are
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