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Master of public health (MPH) is the main degree which is universally acknowledged in the field of public health and it has great influence in US and Europe. But, MPH education came into being late in China. At present, MPH degree is in its experimental stage and is being paid more and more attention by the professional of public health field. With the development of MPH scale and increasing number of MPH students, how to guarantee the qualification of MPH is becoming a problem standing out increasingly. Establishing a scientific and perfect training system is the basic precondition of guarantee of qualification. This paper puts forwards a series of scientific and pertinent advices on the MPH training system, based on the analysis of teaching taches of existing training system and the reference of MPH training system in famous universities in Denmark and US. The main statement is as the following:
     1.Training objectives
     Training objectives are the important factor of designing teaching plan, making curriculum, developing teaching content and organizing teaching process. The MPH training objectives includes the cultivation of three kinds of abilities: the abilities of discovering, analyzing and solving real problem in public health; the abilities of organizing, carrying on and management of some project of public health; the abilities of timely dealing with the emergency of public health.
     There are five principles of making MPH curriculum. Firstly, it should accord with the needs of public health career for talents. Secondly, it should accord with the training objectives of MPH. Thirdly, it should accord with the practical ability training mode of MPH. Fourthly, it should accord with the actual situation of MPH training in our country. Finally, it should meet the
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