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        Post-stack seismic inversion has been widely used in the reservoir prediction and evaluation,reservoir characterization since it was invented. Post-stack can relatively quickly transform seismic waveform information to geological information such as impedance,which can guide the identification and characterization of reservoirs.So post-stack seismic inversion plays a significant role in the oil and gas exploration. This paper firstly concisely introduces the origin and classification of post-stack seismic inversion; then sums up the influential factors of the inversion results,summarizes the post-stack seismic inversion results mainly influenced by seismic frequency band width, the wavelet, horizons and well information, and summarizes the effects caused by these factors in post-stack seismic inversion and the method and technology used to optimize the inversion results in recent years; the paper also analyzes the main reasons of the ambiguity in inversion are the low frequency component and the high frequency component needed in the inversion process and introduce the related research achievements;finally pointing out the current problems exiting in post-stack seismic inversion,which include: 1 the effects of noise is not considered in the convolution formula model,2 the generalized elastic impedance has not been wildly used in the practice,3ambiguity problems in the process of building high frequency model components has not been solved,4the nonlinear inversion methods currently has not wildly applied in actual large-scale productions; in addition,the paper prospects the development trend of post-stack seismic inversion.
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