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1 .2013年国内外重要地质会议目录汇编
Interaction triennial symposium 2013-6-09至6-13 法国 国际地球化学协会 14 2013年有效和可持续水力压裂国际会议 The International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing 2013-5-20至5-22 澳大利亚 联邦科学和工业研究组织 15 23 …
http://cgl.org.cn/2013/dzhy.aspx   2013-07-15
2 .中国地质图书馆——数字资源简介——外文开放获取期刊
interactions between the biological, chemical and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. 全文 德国 Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 1971-   全文 墨西哥 Bulletin of
http://cgl.org.cn/zy/wwkf.aspx   2013-08-24
3 .AGU电子期刊正式开通通知
Interactions     Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems     Geophysical Research Letters     Global Biogeochemical Cycles     International Journal of Geomagnetism and A …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=189   2012-02-09
4 .关于开通AGU电子期刊的通知
Interactions     Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems     Geophysical Research Letters     Global Biogeochemical Cycles     International Journal of Geomagnetism and A …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=188   2012-02-09
5 .关于开通AGU电子期刊的通知
Interactions     Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems     Geophysical Research Letters     Global Biogeochemical Cycles     International Journal of Geomagnetism and A …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=188   2012-02-09
6 .AGU电子期刊正式开通通知
Interactions     Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems     Geophysical Research Letters     Global Biogeochemical Cycles     International Journal of Geomagnetism and A …
http://cgl.org.cn/auto/db/detail.aspx?db=998001&rid=189   2012-02-09

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