在本站内搜索,总计命中:7条,耗时:小于0.01 秒
1 .http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx
Electronica Palynology. Petroleum Science and Technology. Petrology Polar Geography. Polar Research. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Progra …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/qikan.aspx   2018-08-17
2 .外文电子期刊
Electronica Palynology. Petroleum Science and Technology. Petrology Polar Geography. Polar Research. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Progra …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/wwdzqk.aspx   2017-03-17
3 .电子期刊
Electronica Palaeoworld Paleobiology (Print and Online) Paleoceanography Palynology Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. Petroleum Science and Technology Petrology Petrology Photogrammetric Record. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. Physics an …
http://cgl.org.cn/new/dzqk.aspx   2015-08-20
4 .中国地质图书馆——数字资源简介——外文开放获取期刊
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 1996- supported by a distinguished advisory and editorial board, has high scientific standards and takes advantage of current electronic document technology. 全文 美国 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences …
http://cgl.org.cn/zy/wwkf.aspx   2013-08-24
5 .2013年国内外重要地质会议目录汇编
… -electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering (4th OSMG-2012) 2012-10-11至10-13 苏州 南京大学 114 第四届多尺度结构和系统工程国际会议 4th International Conference on Multi-Scale Structures and Systems in Process Engineering 2012-9-26至9-28 …
http://cgl.org.cn/2013/dzhy.aspx   2013-07-15
6 .本馆资源
Electronica Palynology. Petroleum Science and Technology. Petrology Polar Geography. Polar Research. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Progra …
http://cgl.org.cn/bgzy.aspx   2013-08-19
7 .中国地质图书馆——资源
Electronica Palynology. Petroleum Science and Technology. Petrology Polar Geography. Polar Research. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Initial Reports Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Progra …
http://cgl.org.cn/ziyuan.aspx   2013-06-09

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