Origin of Cenozoic Lithospheric Mantle in Several Areas of Eastern China: Constraints from Major and Trace Elements

Systematic major and trace elements analysis of spinel-lherzolites from Hannuoba, Nushan, Panshishan and Fangshan is carried out to identify the origin of Cenozoic lithosphere in eastern China and to further discuss the mechanisms of lithospheric thinning. The results indicate these areas share a “juvenile” lithospheric mantle, which is residual of upwelling mantle which ever underwent less than 10% partial melting. A less than 3% contribution of silica-enriched basaltic melts analogous to Cenozoic basalt in eastern China was involved in later metasomatism over Cenozoic lithospheric mantle.Distinctive dissimilarity between Cenozoic lithospheric mantle and Archean Cratonic lithospheric mantle in respect of major and trace elements, combined with remarkable similarity to partial melting and metasomatism modeling of trace elements argue predominately thinning mechanism of detachment for eastern part North China Craton lithospheric mantle.

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