LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Metamorphic Rocks from Geyading——Maoding Area, Jinsha Suture, Northwestern Yunnan Province: Depositional Ages of Protoliths and Provenance Characteristics
A suit of metamorphic rock series are largely outcropped in Geyading—Maoding area,Jinsha Suture,northwestern Yunnan Province. The rocks include quartzite,sericite—quartz schist,amphibolites,micaschist and marbles. The depositional age of the metamorphic rock series has long been debated. In this paper,sericite—quartz schist and quartzite are measured by the LA-MC-ICP-MS method. The dating of zircons shows that the detrital zircon ages of sericite—quartz have a youngest age of about 205 Ma,a dominant peak at 231 Ma,two subordinate peaks at 214 Ma and 255 Ma,and some lesser peaks at 420 Ma,502 Ma,873 Ma,1. 94 Ga and 2. 46Ga; the detrital zircon ages of quartzite have a youngest age of about 332 Ma,a dominant peak at 361 Ma,a subordinate peak at 422 Ma,and the other lesser peaks at 1. 40 Ga,1. 56 Ga,1. 72 Ga. These dating results above suggest the protolith of sericite—quartz schist was deposited in the Late Triassic( later than 205 Ma),and the protolith of quartzite was deposited in the Early Carboniferous( later than 332 Ma),which indicate the formation age of the metamorphic rock basement in Geyading—Maoding area,Jinsha Suture,shouldn’t be thought to be Proterozoic in age. Besides,the data of detrital zircon population suggest that the provenance of the metamorphic rock series was mainly derived from the Yangtz Block materials.

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