Reliability Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Core-Scanning in the Yangtze River Delta Limnetic Sediments

     X-ray fluorescenceXRFcore scanning is increasingly accepted as an effective method for high-resolution elemental records because of its rapid,non-destructive and continuous measurements.In order to know the reliability of XRF core scanning,we compare the measurement results from core scanning method with those results from the well-acceptable traditional X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.The materials we used are the sediments of core XJ0232°1957N,119°1622E, core length 31.8mfrom the Yangtze River delta.The core sediments is mainly consist of silt and clay.We measure the whole core using XRF core scanner in Tongji University.At the same time,70 samplesintervals of 45cm from the core XJ02 are selected for element measurement by traditional X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.Comparing the results of twelve detectable elements from two methods,and carrying out a correlation analysis on each element from the XRF core scanner and the conventional X-ray fluorescence spectrometer,we group three types of elements base on the correlation coefficientsR2): 1Type one includes Ti,Zn,Rb,Sr,Fe and Ca with high correlationR20.8; 2Type two includes Zr,Al and K that were weaker correlated0.5R20.8; 3Type three includes Pb,Si and P,which are poorly correlatedR20.2.Type one should be more effective for XRF core scanning method on delta area.On the other hand,the XRF core scanner measurements could be affected by sediment properties,such as the water content,grain size and surface roughness.In this paper,we compare the correlation coefficient of each element results from two measurement methods before and after controlling the influence of water content,we find that the correlation coefficient would increase after control water content influence,especially to some light element such as element Si.The result indicate that XRF core scanner date of six elementsTi,Zn,Rb,Sr,Fe and Cacan reflect the element content confidently.The content of element P and Pb is low,the XRF core scanner date cant reflect the low element content accurately.It is suggested by the experimental result that XRF core scanning date is reliable for many element in delta sediments,and XRF core scanning has a lot of advantages comparing with conventional test methods,it could be widely used in paleoclimate and paleoenvironment research in delta tract.

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