Mineralogical Characteristics of Molybdenite of Mesozoic Molybdenum in Fujian Province

     Mesozoic molybdenum deposits are distributed widely in Fujian, and associated with a certain amount of rhenium. This study explores Mesozoic molybdenum deposits in Fujian. It is found by analysis of characteristics of ore petrology and mineralogy of molybdenite of typical molybnum deposits Pingdi, Shangxikeng, Luobuling, Makeng, etc. in Fuiian Province, five types of the molybdenum deposits have been determined, including the porphyry type, the magmatic hydrothermal type, the volcanic hydrothermal type, the tectonic breccia type and a few skarn type. Our systematic field investigation and petrogra phy study finds that the ores mainly have coarse-medium fine grain, platy texture, small amount of thick tabular texture; the ore mineralonly molybdenite is of leaden color, obvious polychroism, 2H polymorph a small amount of 2H3R, 3R, low contents of impurities including Re N- N ×100 × 10^-6, most N- N ×10 ×10^-6 , which indicates the ores formed in moder ate-high temperature condition and the ore originates from crust-mantle mixed source most crust source ; Mesozoic molybde hum mineralization is of universality in Fujian province; and as a kind of accompanying elements, Re is of some comprehensive utilization value.

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