Global Distribution Characteristics of Seafloor Cobalt-Rich Encrustation Resources

     Oceanic cobalt-rich encrustation resources are potential seafloor metal resources. In this paper, the authors collected encrustation data from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, sorted them and built a database. From the global perspective, the authors summarized and compared the mineral characteristics and distribution of the cobalt-rich encrustation. The results show that co-rich encrustation resources on the Pacific seafloor are richer than those in other oceans, accounting for about 81%. Besides, the content of Co on seamounts, ocean ridges, basin and continental slope is respectively 0.70 %, 0.46 %, 0.50 % and 0.43 %, which indicates that seamounts geomorphology is more conducive to production of encrustations with high Co content. Among three oceans, the cobalt-rich encrustations that occur on the Pacific seamounts account for 73.3 % of all encrustations, which im-plies that Pacific seamounts are the main output areas of the worlds seabed cobalt-rich encrustation resources. According to the distribution of storage data, the authors divided the world into 10 ore-forming zones of cobalt- rich encrustations, which were further divided into ore concentration regions according to the encrustation thick- ness and water depth. And then, the authors estimated the cobalt-rich resources quantity from ore concentration regions in accordance with 2 cm thickness and 4 cm thickness standard. The calculation shows that the quality of Co-rich encrustations in Pacific ore concentration region is better than that in other oceans. According to the in- dex of 2 cm thickness, the mean content of Mn, C, Ni, Cu is respectively 23.00 %, 0.66 %, 0.44 %, 0.09 %, and the amount of dry encrustation resources is 2426.33 Mt, 70.30 Mt, 48,75 Mt, 10.30 Mt. According to the index of 4 cm thickness, the mean content of Mn, Co, Ni, Cu is respectively 23.70%, 0.58 %, 0.48 %, 0.11%, and the amount of dry encrustation resources is 1184.53 Mr, 29.76 Mt, 24.53 Mt, 5.01 Mt.

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