2" class=MsoNormal>2pt; mso-bidi-font-family: 宋体; mso-font-kerning: 18.0pt" lang=EN-US>2010 Earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai Province and Strong Earthquake Trend Analysis of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau after the Earthquake

Based on scaling law,fault rupture and stress parameters of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake are estimated,resulting the seismic moment M0=1.78×1019 N·m,moment magnitue MW=6.8,area S=468 km2,maximum offset D=1.4 m,fault length L=37 km,the width W=12.6 km,shear stress τ0=16.8 MPa,stress drop Δσ=7.03 MPa.Analysis on historical earthquakes shows that Yushu magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in the world for more than magnitude 8 earthquake,in West China Triangle over magnitude 7.8 earthquake,north-south seismic zone earthquakes above magnitude 7 and the Bayankala block more than magnitude 7 earthquake in the context of intense activity.After the earthquake Yushu,Bayankala block and Qiangtang block and the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic block of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau future occurrence of more than magnitude 7 earthquake in more dangerous.

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