Ontogenesis of Tuzoia bispinosa (Arthropoda) from the Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota, Guizhou Province, China

Large bivalved arthropods are common in Cambrian strata worldwide. Among these, Tuzoia occurs in the Early and Middle Cambrian and has a wide geographic distribution. Therefore, it is significant for correlations of Lower and Middle Cambrian stratigraphy and for paleoenvironmental interpretation. Tuzoia specimens are abundant in the Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province and specimens ranging from small larva to juveniles to mature individuals are present. Based on detailed examination of 130 specimens of Tuzoia bispinosa, the authors describe the ontogenesis of this population using statistics and mathematical analysis. The 130 specimens of Tuzoia bispinosa analyzed represent three different ontogenetic stages.

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