Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Dating of Tuff Bed of the Sibao Group in Southeastern Guizhou-Northern Guangxi Area, China and Its Stratigraphic Implication


Zircon dating age of tuff bedding from the Sibao Group in Guangxi and Guizhou Provinces is reported in this paper. Integrating the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the granite which intruded into the Sibao Group, the group is thus determined to be Neoproterozoic. The Sibao Group and the Danzhou which are slightly metamorphosed rocks are well developed in the Jiangnan orogen, formed a metamorphosed basement of the Jiangnan old land.  In zircon study from bentonite in the Sibao Group, the authors determined the zircon dating of (841.7±5.9) Ma in the group and intruded granite zircon dating of (826.8 ± 5.9) Ma from Motianling Mt.

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