Centimeter-Scale Sedimentary Sequence Description of Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation (Upper Numbers 3~5): Lithostratigraphy, Facies and Cyclostratigraphy based on the Scientific Drilling (SK1) Borehole in the Songliao Basin

China Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) in the Songliao Basin, called SK1 project, collects 532.07 m of members 3~5 of the Upper Nenjiang Formation which correspond to the middle Campanian. In this paper, the authors describe the sedimentary sequence in cm-scale, revealing lithology, lithofacies and cyclic stratigraphy at the drilling spot. Nine litho-types are recognized in the section. The detailed description of the third and fourth members of Nenjiang Formation is significant for their further exploration in the Songliao Basin.

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