Hydrocarbon Accumulation Models and the Main Controlling Factors for the Lower Member of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Wu-Ding area of the Ordos Basin
FORM: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(244,244,244); TEXT-INDENT: -5px; DISPLAY: inline !important; FONT: 12px/22px Arial, 宋体; WHITE-SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; FLOAT: none; LETTER-SPACING: normal; COLOR: rgb(36,36,36); WORD-SPACING: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">Based on the integrated studies of the sedimentary facies,oil-source correlation,formation pressure structure and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions,this paper researches the hydrocarbon accumulation models and the main controlling factors for the lower member of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Wuqi-Dingbian area of the Ordos Basin.The result shows that the formations Chang 7 and Chang 9 are the two sets of fine source rocks which possess good hydrocarbon generation potential in the region.Oil-source correlation shows hydrocarbon in the Chang 7 and Chang 9 formations mainly derives from the source rock Chang 7 in the Wuqi-Dingbian area,and the Chang 9 formation follows.Hydrocarbon generating pressurization is the main drive force for petroleum migration in the Chang 7 formation of the region.The area with high values in the background of low values in excess pressure difference for Chang 7 and Chang 8 is the main locus for hydrocarbon accumulation in the lower member of the Yanchang formation.The main sedimentary facies of the Yanchang formation in the research region is deltaic front subaqueous distributary channels and debouch bars;which may serve as reservoir space with generally higher porosity and permeability.The Chang 8 and Chang 9 reservoirs are characterized by episodic injection and continuous accumulation,and both of the reservoirs belong to hydrocarbon accumulation assemblages under source rocks.Comprehensive analysis suggests that the distribution of the upper Jurassic reservoirs is mainly controlled by three major factors of near sources,low pressure and good facies.

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