Ages of the Hongshan Granite and Intruding Dioritic Dyke Swarms, in Western Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS Zircon Chronology
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In order to reconstruct the Late Paleozoic geodynamical conditions of western Junggar and central Asia, the large number of dark dioritic dykes, emplaced in Hongshan granitic pluton, in western Junggar, were studied by remote sensing interpretation, field investigation and sample analysis. It is revealed that there are two groups of dykes, namely the ring dykes and the non-ring dykes, emplaced in Hongshan granitic pluton. The chronology data imply that there were different kinds of magma intrusions in western Junggar and the fractures filled by later dioritic magma were formed in Late Carboniferous, and provide reliable time constrains for further study of Late Paleozoic geodynamical conditions in western Junggar and central Asia.

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