Zircon U-Pb Ages of Marble from Shuanghe Qianshan County and Their Geological Significance
 Lithochemical compositions,trace elements and rare earth elements of the marble in Shuanghe were analyzed in this study.The positions of metamorphic zircons and metamorphic complex zircon were determined using CL zircon image.The dating results are listed as follows: 1) The older core "inherited zircon" in the metamorphic complex zircon were measured at 32 points with ages ranging from 2357 Ma to 342 Ma,15 of which belong to Proterozoic era with ages range from 2357 Ma to 572 Ma,17 to the Paleozoic from 524 Ma to 342 Ma.2) 8 points had been tested in the metamorphic zircons,and ages of 5 points fall with the scope of 249 Ma to 234 Ma corresponding to the UHP metamorphic time.The ages of 228~221 Ma represent retrograde time.Existence of a number of magmatic detrital zircons,i.e.inherite zircons,indicates that protolith of the Shuanghe marble rock is likely the argillaceous limestone with an age of later than the Paleozoic Era.

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