Kexiaxi Cluster of Small Intrusions in the Tulasu Gold Mineralization District, Western Tianshan, Xinjiang, and Its Copper Exploration Prospect
d="EnChDivSummary" name="EnDivSummary">The Tulasu gold mineral concentration district in western Tianshan of Xinjiang developed large epithermal gold deposits of A’xi and Jingxi-Yelmand.Is it possible to discover the porphyry Cu-Au deposit beneath or adjacent to the epithermal Au deposits just like that in the southwestern Pacific island-arc environment?In order to find out the Cu-Au deposit,we surveyed the geology of the former Qiarbahete stock with copper occurrence in the north of Tulasu,researched its petrography,element geochemistry and geochronology and guided the commercial exploration.The works revealed that the stock is a cluster of small intrusions including pyroxene diorite,diorite,quartz diorite,granodiorite,dioritic porphyrite and can be grouped as"Kexiaxi cluster".Porphyry-style industrial copper mineralization has been discovered in some of the small intrusions.The small intrusions are calc-alkline with apparent arc magma characteristics,the trace element compositions of these intrusions are consistent and similar to those of the contemporaneous volcanic rocks in the Tulasu district,and they belong to the same eruption-intrusion magmatic sequence of the late Devonian to the early Carboniferous under the setting of southward subduction of northern Tianshan Ocean to the Yili plate.During about 10 million years,there were four or five episodes of synchronous magma intrusion,i.e.,pyroxene diorite(357.2±3.0Ma),quartz diorite(356.4±2.2Ma),granodiorite(350.8±3.8Ma),and dioritic porphyrite(350.8±3.8Ma)in the Kexiaxi cluster,and they are contemporaneous with Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Tulasu district.Therefore it is geologically favorable that the porphyry-style Cu-Au mineral deposits may be found beneath or adjacent to the epithermal Au deposits in the Tulasu gold mineral concentration district,western Tianshan of Xinjiang.It is hopeful to have important breakthrough in the prospecting of large porphyry-style Cu-Au deposits in the Tulasu district.

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