Discussion of the Weathering Crust Development Time on the Nanling Planation Surface——Take the Dabuzhen as an Example
Thick weathering crusts are developing on the planation surfaces of the Nanling summits.Studying these weathering crusts is very significant for us to understand the planation surfaces.The authors take the weathering crust profile on Dabuzhen,north Guangdong of China as an example,studied its chemical components and characters,and reconstructed the thickness of the weathering crust,its equivalent bedrock thickness and timing using a new method.The results show that the weathering crust on Dabuzhen probably approach 70 m thick.The bedrock equivalent thickness for weathering crust of 1 m reaches 24 m.Based analysis of the weathered degree of the profile,we reconstructed a thickness of 790 m weathered bedrock,of which 724 m has been dissolved and flow out with ground water.According to the dissolution rate of past 50 years in the Pearl River,the age of the Dabuzhen weathering crust is estimated about 19.6 Ma BP,namely early Miocene when the development of the Nanling Planation surface ended and a new geomorphologic cycle,the Nanling Movement began.

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