Division of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation and Its Ostracod Fossils in Jianchang Basin, Western Liaoning Provionce

The Yixian Formation of Jianchang Basin, represented by the Shangpingfang-Qingshiyan, Shangbaimiao-Luojiagou and Xiaolangjiagou-Sanmendian stratigraphic sections in Yaolugou area, may be subdivided into five members. The first member is characterized mainly by sandy conglomerate. The second member is composed of sandy mudstone and shale intercalated with tuff. The third member consists of acidic-intermediate lavas and its pyroclastic rocks. The fourth member, called Qianshizigou layer, is characteristic of sandshale intercalated by andesite. The fifth member is of acid volcanic rocks. This paper describes the fossil ostracods of one new genus and seven new species.

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