Geochemical Feature and Its Tectonic Significance of Gemucuo Oligocene Potassic Volcanic Rocks in the Qiangtang Area, oft-com:office:smarttags" />Tibet, China oft-com:office:office" />

///There is a suite of potassic volcanic rocks (30 Ma) occurred in Gemucuo, Qiangtang area mainly composed of olivine tephrite, olivine trachy-basalt, aegirite augite trachyte and leucite phonolite. SiO2 content of this suit ranges from 46% to 60%, Al2O3 from 3% to 21%, Mg# from 0. 14 to 0.63, K2O/Na2O ratio is above 1. The volcanic rocks are enriched in LREE and depleted in compatible element (CrNi)and HFSE (NbTaTi). The εHf (t) of whole rock mass ranges from -1.28 to -6.20. It is indicated that the primary magma source originated from minor melting of an ancient subduction mantle wedge which was metasomatised of astheno-sphere fluid, and consanguineous igneous magma went through AFC (Assimilation Fractional Crystallization). 

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