Application of Wave Equation Prestack τ Migration on Yongan 3D Seismic Data of Northern Jiangsu Basin

In this paper, Double-square-root(DSR)one-way wave equation prestackτmigration was introduced. The method requires zero-azimuth seismic data, so azimuth moveout correction and offset regularization is need. Aiming at the characteristics of narrow-azimuth 3Dseismic data in the area, the authors proposed a workflow including DMO correction, offset regularization and DMO-1 correction. Both Kircohoff prestack migration and the prestackτmigration combined with above workflow were applied to Yongan 3D data. Result shows that the latter method can improve the continuity of reflection events between igneous rocks, make the fault and fault section clearer, and increase imaging resolution. Meanwhile, the two methods cost almost the same time, which proved the feasibility of the latter method proposed here.

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