Isochronology Study on the Xianglushan Scheelite Deposit in North Jiangxi Province and Its Geological Significance
Ganbei-Wannan area (north Jiangxi Province and south Anhui Province) is another important tungsten deposit——intensive areas besides the Gannan area (south Jiangxi Province). The Xianglushan scheelite deposit is one of the deposits in the Ganbei area. This deposit belongs to bedded skarn-related scheelite deposit, which distinguishes from the tungsten deposits in Gannan. This paper presents the isochronology study on the mineralization-related granite, scheelite and quartz. The dating results show that the Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of the biotite granite is 126.2±2.6 Ma with 95% reliability, the Sm-Nd isochron age of scheelite is 121±11 Ma with 95% reliability, and the Rb-Sr isochron age of quartz is 128±3 Ma with 95% reliability. These data suggest that the mineralization epoch is coupled with the emplacement of the granite magma in this area.

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