Early Cretaceous High Mg~# and High Sr/Y Clinopyroxene-Bearingdiorite in the Southeast Gangdese Batholith, Southern Tibet
Field investigations and SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating indicate that a suite diorite that intruded into gneisses of granodioritic composition north of Langxian of the southern Gangdese belt,formed at 121. 8 ± 1. 5Ma. This Early Cretaceous suite contains magmatic epidote and clinopyroxene. Whole rock geochemical data and zircon Hf isotopedata of this suite ofdiorite show the following characteristics: ( 1) low SiO2 ( 54. 9%~55.4%) ,high Al203 ( 17. 7%~17. 9%) and high Mg # ( 65.3~66. 1) ; (2) relatively high Na20/K20 ( >2. 5) ,indicating that they were of granite rich in sodium; (3) enriched in LREE,depleted in HREE, nearly flat distribution patterns for elements from Ho to Yb with ( Ho/Yb) N = 0. 93~1. 07,and weak negative Eu anomalies with Eu/Eu * = 0. 88~0. 91; (4) relatively high Sr (488 × 10 - 6~500 × 10 - 6 ) and Ba ( 176 × 10 - 6~181 × 10 - 6 ) ,high Sr/Y (37. 5 ~41. 7) and low La/Yb ( 7. 6~9. 8) ; ( 5) relatively high zircon ε Hf ( t) values ( +3.4~+6. 9) ; and ( 6)depleted in the HFSE,but relatively enriched in garnet compatible elements ( Sc,Y and HREE) aswell as mantle compatible elements ( Cr,Ni and Co) . These geochemical features and mineral assemblages indicate that they were hydrous magmaderived from the partial melting of fluid metasomatised mantle wedge during the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan slab. Emplace depths for the Early Cretaceous diorite as well as the Early Carboniferous granodiorite estimated by Al-in-hornblende geobarometer indicate that they were emplaced at~13km and ~21km,respectively,which in turn yields a long term exhumation rate of~0. 04mm/yr.

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