Geochemical Features of Granites Formed at Late Stage of Early Paleozoic in Jiangxi Province and Their Geological Significances

Granitic plutons, Shangyou, Doushui, Longhui and Luean, as important members of granites formed at late stage of Early Paleozoic in Jiangxi Province, are characterized by higher SiO2 content (an average of 73.80%), K2O/Na2O ratio (an average of 1.33) and ACNK value (an average of 1.05). They possess distinct enrichment in large ion elements, negative anomaly in Ba, Sr, P and Ti, enrichment in LREEs (an average LREE/HREE of 6.78) and depletion in Eu (an average δEu of 0.39). Isotopically, they have relatively high εNd(t) value (an average of-5.7) and young Nd model age (an average of 1617Ma). In the ACF and (La/Yb)N-δEu diagrams, they are plotted in the field of S-type or crustal derived type granite. In the εNd(t)-t diagram, they are located in the Proterozoic crustal evolution domain in South China. In the Rb/Sr-Rb/Ba and A/MF-C/MF diagrams, they are plotted in the partial melting source field of protolith of argillite and psammite, but not in that of mantle-derived mafic rocks.

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