Early-Middle Ordovician Calathium Reef Mounds: History and Palaeoecology
The receptaculitid genus Calathium is an extinct genus of sessile organisms of uncertain systematic position but which has most often been attributed to sponge or calcareous Green algae, having a somewhat similar appearance to dasyclads-which still survive at the present day. Calathium ranges in stratigraphic age from Ordovician to Silurian and is particularly notable because it played a major role in reef building during the Early and Middle Ordovician. The base of the Early Ordovician saw the initiation of a major new phase in composition of reefs within shallow marine carbonate settings-in which the mud mounds previously dominantly constructed by microbes became joined in varying proportions by Calathium and by a limited diversity of metazoans, mainly sponges-particularly siliceous lithistid sponges.  Finally, reefs with Calathium-dominated eventually vanished in the Late Ordovician, at the same time as the innovation occurred of significantly more diverse metazoan reef communities including corals and stromatoporoid sponges-leading to still more developed and complex reef systems.

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