Turbidity Characteristics and Petroleum Geological Significance of Chang-6 Section in Wubu Area of Ordos Basin
Based on the introduction of sedimentary characteristics of Chang-6 Section in Yanchang Formation of Wubu Area, Ordos Basin, the physical property, turbidite characteristics and turbidite distribution of Chang-6 Section and their influence on oil reservoir were analyzed, and the petroleum geological significance of turbidite was discussed. The results showed that the main rock type of Chang-6 Section in Wubu Area of Ordos Basin was feldspathic sandstone, and the composition of interstitial material included calcite, chlorite, white mica and a little quartz overgrowth and feldspar overgrowth, etc. ; the anisotropism of pore structure of sandstone reservoir was very strong; the lacustrine basin settlement tended to stable in Chang-6 Section of Wubu Area, and was the high construction period of delta; the delta front sediment, which included multiple water systems and provenances, provided sufficient materials for the deep lacustrine turbidite fan sediment; the front of underwater distributary channel of delta front developed deep lacustrine turbidite fan sediment in the northeast of Wubu Area, and center microfacies and edge microfacies were distinguished in the sediment; packsand and siltite were interbedded with dark mudstone in center microfacies of turbidity fan; in horizontal, the anisotropism of turbidite sandbodies gradually weakened in the lateral direction, and the sandbodies at the bottom developed hydrocarbon source rocks which were dark lacustrine facies sedimentary with higher thickness and maturity; dark mudstone of deep lacustrine facies was rich in hydrocarbon source rock, and turbidite sandbodies were composed of the dark mudstone, so that it was easier to successfully form the updip pinchout and lentieular lithological reservoir in the region with good permeability and porosity property.

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